Lifestyle Tips

Important Medical Terms that everyone should know.

Important Medical Terms that everyone should know.

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 14 January 2020

25 Important Medical Terms you need to know.

These medical terms will keep you informed not only in daily conversation but in situations when they matter most.

  1. Benign: Not cancerous
  2. Malignant: Cancerous
  3. Anti-inflammatory: Reduces swelling, pain, and soreness (such as ibuprofen or naproxen)
  4. Body Mass Index (BMI): Body fat measurement based on height and weight
  5. Biopsy: A tissue sample for testing purposes
  6. Hypotension: Low blood pressure
  7. Hypertension: High blood pressure
  8. Lesion: Wound, sore, or cut
  9. Noninvasive: Doesn’t require entering the body with instruments; usually simple
  10. Outpatient: Check in and check out the same day
  11. Inpatient: Plan to stay overnight for one or more days
  12. In remission: Disease is not getting worse; not to be confused with being cured
  13. Membrane: Thin layer of pliable tissue that serves as a covering or lining or connection between two structures
  14. Acute: Sudden but usually short (e.g., acute illness)
  15. Angina: Pain in the chest related to the heart that comes and goes
  16. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Heartburn
  17. Cellulitis: Inflamed or infected tissue beneath the skin
  18. Epidermis: Outermost layer of skin
  19. Neutrophils: Most common type of white blood cell
  20. Edema: Swelling
  21. Embolism: Blood clot
  22. Sutures: Stitches
  23. Polyp: Mass or growth of thin tissue
  24. Compound fracture: Broken bone that protrudes through the skin
  25. Comminuted fracture: Broken bone that shatters into many piecesI
After Christmas Cleanse

After Christmas Cleanse

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 2 January 2020

Christmas is all about enjoying yourself which often means over indulging in alcohol, food and unhealthy treats which usually leaves us feeling bloated and sluggish. If you want to feel completely refreshed and energised for the New Year, a post Christmas detox can often do the trick. A detox has the ability to stimulate the liver and kidneys to drive toxins out of the body, and rejuvenate our organs, thus helping our body and mind feel completely re-energised.
Here are 5 quick and easy ways to give your body a total cleanse for the New Year:

1.) Drink plenty of Water (preferably with lemon) – Water helps your body function properly and is also essential for removing waste and toxins from the body. This makes it incredibly important to stay hydrated. You can also infuse your water with lemon and ginger which are great for aiding the cleansing process.

2.) Exercise – Exercise helps with the body’s detoxification process as it stimulates your digestive track and  lymphatic system which eliminates waste. Every time we exercise, we take in more oxygen which is essential to helping our cells to function which also helps our cells remove toxins.

3.) Eat Detoxing Super Foods and fuel your body with the Good Stuff – Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, healthy whole grains and beans. These are loaded with fibre which is essential for healthy bowel movements. Eat veg such as broccoli, kale and spinach as they are super beneficial for the liver and enhance detoxification in your system. Fruits and vegetables are also loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that keep the body healthy and boost the immune system.

4.) Drink Matcha Green Tea – Matcha Green Tea contains high levels of catechin polyphenols that help stop damaging toxins from recirculating in your body. They also help encourage the body to make glutathione which is a liver antioxidant.

5.) Sleep allows your brain to reorganise and recharge itself as well as remove toxic waste that has accumulated throughout the day. Sleep deprivation prohibits your body from performing necessary functions so toxins can build up and affect several aspects of health. Aim for 7 to 9 hour of sleep per night.

Arthritis Relief – Natural Home Remedies

Arthritis Relief – Natural Home Remedies

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 17 December 2019

Natural Home Remedies for Arthritis Relief

We often take the freedom of movement for granted, until it becomes limited. For most people, the main cause of this comes in the form of arthritis.  Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. There are two main types of arthritis, Osteo is the most common typesthat damages the cartilage, joints and bones. This type of arthritis usually comes with age and is associated with wear and tear over the years.  The second type is Rheumatoid Arthritis which is caused by the immune system attacking the joints as if they were foreign tissues, which is why rheumatoid arthritis is classified as an autoimmune disease. This type of arthritis causes pain, swelling, stiffness and a loss of function attacking the synovial lining of joints.

Arthritis is often treated with medication and pain killers. However, some medications have unwanted side effects. If you want to try more of a natural approach to relieving arthritis pain, there are some really effective at-home methods you can try.

Here are 5 Natural Remedies that you can try at home to help relieve your arthritis pain.

Always consult your doctor before trying any remedies.

1.) Take Turmeric. Turmeric consists of a very powerful and active antioxidant called curcumin which is responsible for reducing the levels of enzymes that cause inflammation. Curcumin is the KEY active ingredient that reduces inflammation.  Not only does it relieve arthritis and joint pain, but it also has many other amazing benefits.

2.) Sip Turmeric & Ginger Tea. Turmeric and ginger are both anti-inflammatories which will help with both oseto and rheumatoid arthritis. Simply bring 2 cups of water to boil and add ½ tsp of ground ginger, ½ tsp of turmeric, reduce to a simmer for 10 to 15min. Strain and add honey to taste. Enjoy twice daily.

3.) Epson Salt Bath– Epsom salt is high in Magnesium so by adding it to a bath can raise magnesium levels in the body. This may help the body dispose of lactic acid, which may rid the body of aches and pains.  Simply add 2 cups of Epsom salts to a warm full bath and move around until the sale dissolves. Soak at least 12minutes to 1 hour.

4.) Exercise– When it’s painful and difficult just to move, the last thing you feel like doing is getting up and exercising. As unpleasant as it may sound though, exercise is vital for those who suffer from any form of stiffness, joint pain, or arthritis. Exercise will help control weight (an excess of which puts more strain on your joints) strengthens the muscles that support the joint, even when the cartilage is thinning, and lubricates the joints, allowing them to move more freely.

5.) Peppermint and Eucalyptus Oil-Peppermint and eucalyptus have been one of the natural remedies for arthritis, that provides a soothing relief against the discomfort and can ease the pain caused by arthritis. Mix 5 to 10 drops of peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil together and blend it with 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Olive oil works as a carrier oil that can dilute the essential oils.  Store this oil blend in a dark glass bottle and keep it away from direct sunlight. This oil soothes your joints whenever you apply and massage this oil on the joints whenever they ache.

Its Movember!

Its Movember!

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 20 November 2019

Raising Awareness about Men’s Health

It’s November – which means it’s time for all the men out there to ditch your razor and grow a moustache to help raise awareness about men’s health. Prostate cancer in particular, is the main beneficiary of the Movember campaign as it is the most common cancer in men effecting more than 3 million men ever year, worldwide.

Prostate cancer begins in the prostate gland, which sits between the penis and the bladder and develops when specific changes occur.There are often no symptoms during the early stages of prostate cancer, whichis why it is so important to know your risk.

Doctors do not know exactly why prostate cancer occurs, however certain risk factors may increase the chances of developing it.

  • Age- The risk increases with age, particularly after age 50.
  • Ethnicity– For reasons not yet understood, prostate cancer is much more common in men of African Caribbean or African descent.
  • Family history– This is more likely when there are more men in the family with prostate cancer, the more closely related they are, and younger they were when diagnosed.
  • Body weight and diet– being very overweight (obese) may increase the risk of having a more advanced prostate cancer. A diet high in animal fats may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Symptoms of prostate cancerWhen you should consult your doctor.

Symptoms of prostate cancer do not usually appear until the prostate is large enough to affect the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the penis (urethra).

When this happens, you may notice things like:

  • Increased need to urinate
  • Feeling that your bladder has not fully emptied
  • Difficulty starting / maintaining urination
  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Painful urination
  • Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection
  • Pain or discomfort when sitting, if the prostate is enlarged

These symptoms do not mean you have prostate cancer but should not be ignored.

Ways that may help reduce your risk of Prostate Cancer:

There’s no proven prostate cancer prevention strategy. But you may reduce your risk of prostate cancer by making healthy choices, such as eating a healthy diet, increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables and exercising. It is also important to consult your GP with any risk factors or symptoms.




By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 13 November 2019

Yoga is a total mind-body experience with amazing physical and mental benefits. There is a reason that Yoga is an ancient practice and has stood the test of time.  Yoga not only strengthens our body but it also gives us the opportunity to completely check out of our daily life, unwind and distress.

Here are 8 reasons why you should be doing yoga.

1.)Reduces Stress: By encouraging relaxation and deep breathing, Yoga helps lower the levels of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. There is an emphasis on quieting the mind in Yoga, which helps reduce stress and worry allowing our bodies to fully relax.

2.)Increases Flexibility & Mobility: Yoga poses increase your range of motion in the joints and allows you to move around more freely.

3.)Builds muscle strength: Yoga engages so many muscle groups by strengthening both the lower and upper body, from your core to your shoulders & arms to your thighs and back.  When you build strength through yoga, you also balance it with flexibility

4.)Perfects your Posture:Yoga poses target the muscles that are affected by bad posture. BY strengthening the shoulders, chest abdominals and back, Yoga poses help you stand taller and relieve the discomfort that comes with sitting for long periods of time.

5.) Eases Chronic Pain:Yoga practice can help relieve chronic pain. According to Harvard Medical School, the muscle strength built in Yoga helps protect against conditions such as arthritis and back pain.

6.)Betters your Bone Health:Exercises that work against gravity are more effective in stimulating bone formation. Many Yoga poses provide positive stress for the bones, which helps to maintain or increase their density.

7.) Increases your Blood Flow: One of the strongest benefits of doing yoga is the overall improvement in circulation. The focus on proper breathing increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood. Yoga poses such as inversions, promote venous blood from the legs and pelvis to flow back to the heart. After that, the blood is forced to the lungs for oxygenation.

8.) Improves your Balance: Yoga improves balance and coordination which protects us against falling, a major cause of osteoporotic fractures.

You can choose a yoga style that’s tailored to your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, prenatal yoga, etc. Whether you prefer to practice at home, in a gym, while watching a DVD or at a yoga studio, there are a huge variety of options available to suit your needs.


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 27 October 2019

Breast cancer is a scary thought and all too many women assume that it won’t happen to them.  However the fact is, every ten minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and it is the most common type of cancer in the UK. Most women that are diagnosed with breast cancer are over the age of 50 but younger women also get breast cancer. In fact, 1 in 8 women are diagnosed during their lifetime. If breast cancer is discovered in its early stages, there is a great chance of recovery. This is why it is so crucial for all women to check their breasts on a regular basis for any changes and have their routine Mammograms.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer:

 Breast cancer can have a number of symptoms, but the first noticeable symptom is usually a lump or area of thickened breast tissue. Most breast lumpsare not cancerous, but it’s always best to have them checked by your doctor.

You should also see your GP if you notice any of the following:

  • Change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
  • Discharge from any of your nipples which may be streaked with blood
  • A lump or swelling in either of your armpits
  • Dimpling on the skin of your breasts
  • A rash on or around your nipple
  • A change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast

Breast pain is not usually a symptom of breast cancer.

Even if none of these symptoms present themselves, a doctor should be visited to be sure. All women in the UK are invited for a Breast Cancer Screening (Mammogram) every 3 years. A mammogram examination is painless and only takes about ten minutes and can often detect cancer before any symptoms arise.

Reducing your risk of Breast Cancer:

Cancer is often unpredictable and the causes of cancer are not fully understood, but there are things everyone can do to help reduce their cancer risk or improve their chances of beating the disease if they do get it. What’s more, some of those same behaviours can also help lower your risk for other serious diseases, and boost your odds of living a longer, healthier life.

  • Maintain ahealthy weight
  • Exercise reguarley
  • Have a low intake of saturated fat
  • Limit your intake of alcohol
  • Avoid Smoking
  • Avoid exposure to radiation and environmental pollution
  • Limit dose and duration of hormone therapy





5 Ways to Look After Your Joints

5 Ways to Look After Your Joints

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 22 October 2019


  • Maintain a Healthy Weight – Your body weight plays a huge part in your joint health. So in essence, the heavier you are the greater the impact on the joints and the stronger your muscles have to be to control the movements. It is important to ensure that your body fat percentage is lower than your muscle mass percentage. This is vital to maintaining muscle strength which helps ensure you move well.


  • Exercise – Strengthening the muscles around joints is crucial to protecting your joints. Hip problems, for example, can be improved or even prevented by maintaining a good functional range of motion and muscle strength. Exercises such as Yoga can help maintain good mobility. Body weight exercises such as squats and lunges and light dumbbell exercises such as bicep curls are also beneficial. A mixture of impact and non-impact cardio for good bone density. Try and choose low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking, bicycling, etc.


  • Watch what you Eat– Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as oily fish can help decrease inflammation of the joints. Eating Calcium rich foods such as broccoli, cheese & yogurt is vital for healthy strong bones.You also need to pay attention to your vitamin D levels, which are crucial for bone development as it allows the proper absorption of calcium into your body. Vitamin D comes mainly from sun exposure so if you live in a climate where you don’t get a lot of sun, you can take Vitamin D3 supplements to ensure you getting enough vitamin D. Nutritional supplements like glucosamine may also help ease joint pain.


  • Practice Good Posture– Maintaining good posture is key to preventing joint issues as your muscles and skeletal system work together to put less strain on your joints. Try to maintain good posture by standing straight with your head above your shoulders, your shoulders above your hips and your stomach held in. When sitting at your desk, make sure your elbows and forearms are comfortably supported and that your thighs rest parallel to the ground. There are many online guidelines to help correct common posture mistakes along with the importance of wearing correct, supportive footwear.


  • Take Care of your Joints– The smallest joints in our bodies are the most vulnerable and prone to damage. By transferring pressure to larger muscle groups will help protect the smaller ones. To reduce hip or knee stress on stairs, lead with your stronger leg going up and the weaker leg getting you down. To reduce the stress on your wrists and hands, use both hands to pick up heavy things rather than one hand. Also try to avoid heavy lifting when possible so for instance slide things rather than lifting things if possible.  If you’re pulling, grasping or carrying an object, change positions frequently if you feel stiffness coming.
The Amazing Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Amazing Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 13 October 2019

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used medically for centuries. Butin recent years, apple cider vinegar has enjoyed a surge in popularity due to its natural remedies for various health problems.  This includes weight loss, reduced cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels andheart health.

Not all vinegars are treated equally!

The type of Apple Cider Vinegar that you should be drinking

You need to drink raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with “Mother” The Mother is believed to be rich in health-boosting proteins, enzymes, acetic acid and healthy bacteria.It forms naturally as raw organic vinegar ferments, which produces a cloudy appearance. If a vinegar looks clear it’s been filtered and pasteurised to remove The Mother and most of its nutrients.


Here are just 8 of the amazing benefits Apple Cider Vinegar


1.) Aids Proper Digestion– Drinking APV can help regulate the amount of acid in your stomach, which leads to easier digestion. Like other fermented foods, unpasteurised apple cider vinegar contains healthy bacteria – the gut-friendly bacteria that helps to keep your digestive system working properly.

2.) Lowers blood sugar levels & fights Diabetes– APV has the ability to improve insulin sensitivity and also helps lower blood sugar responses after meals. Research published by the American Diabetes Association, found that taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed can reduce fasting blood sugars.

3.) Detoxifies the Liver-Apple cider vinegar flushes the liver, improving its natural blood filtration processes and increasing energy levels.

4.) Helps You Lose Weight– ACV may also help with weight loss as it increases satiety (your feeling of fullness)which can help prevent overeating later in the day

5.) May inhibit the growth of Cancer Cells.  Many scientist’s believe ACV has some anti-cancer benefits as it is an alkalizing food that restores the alkaline/acid balance of our body which is important because cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.

6.) Strengthens your bones – Apple cider vinegar helps aid in the absorption of calcium, which is essential to building stronger bones.

7.) Reduces Free Radicals in the Body– ACV  contains antioxidants called polyphenols that fight damaging free radicals in the body. This free radical damage plays a role in cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many other conditions

8.) Lowers Cholesterol– Studies have shown that ACV reduces the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the good cholesterol (HDL) due to the natural antioxidants contained in it.

How to incorporate ACV into your Diet.

The best way to increase your intake of Apple Cider Vinegar is to use it in your cooking, for salad dressings for example.  Some people also like to dilute it in water and drink it as a beverage. Common dosages range from 1–2 teaspoons (5–10 ml) to 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) per day, mixed in a large glass of water.


It’s best to start with small doses and avoid taking large amounts, because too much vinegar can cause harmful side effects.



And Breathe…

And Breathe…

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 4 October 2019

Ever wish you could snap your fingers and make all the stress of your day disappear? There are several ways to relieve stress but in the heat of the moment, sometimes you need something quick and effective to help combat through those intense stress- induced moments. As easy as it sounds, simply breathing can offer an extremely convenient and effective way to relieve stress.

In order to relieve stress, we need to activate the body’s natural relaxation response. When stress overwhelms our nervous system, our body is flooded with chemicals that prepare us for the “fight or flight response”.  This response can be lifesaving in an emergency situation, however when this response is constantly provoked by everyday life, it can take a serious toll on your mental and physical health.

We can’t avoid all sources of stress in our lives, but luckily we can develop healthier ways of responding to them. There are many ways to invoke the relaxation response. including breathing, meditation, yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation.


Here are some really simple and effective ways to help breathe your stress away.

Deep Breathing– This is a powerful technique that you can practice anywhere. It is also known as abdominal breathing and is the cornerstone to most relaxation techniques.  Abdominal breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, which runs from your head down the neck, through the chest and to the colon. This activates your relaxation response, which reduces your heart rate and blood pressure thus lowering your stress levels.  (Source: Harvard Men’s Health Watch, May 2019)


How to do it:

1.) Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Instead of breathing from your chest, focus on breathing from your belly. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Breathe deeply in through your nose, the hand on your stomach should rise while the hand on  your chest should move very little.

2.)Exhale through your mouth, pushing out as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. Again, the hand on your belly should rise while the hand on your chest should move very little.

3.)Take long slow deep breaths in through your nose and out        through you mouth while counting as you exhale. The goal is to take 6 to 10 deep, slow breaths per minute for 10 minutes each day.


Visualisation (Guided Imagery) Deep Breathing- This is a traditional meditation that involves imagining a scene in which you feel most at peace.

How to do it:

1.)Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place in which you feel calm and relaxed. Try to picture it as vividly as you can and notice all of the things you see, smell, hear, taste and feel.

2.)Take slow regular breaths in through your nose and through your mouth while visualising yourself calm and relaxed in a place you are happiest.


Progressive Relaxation:  A technique that eliminates tension throughout your body.

 How to do it:

1.)Close your eyes and focus on tensing each muscle group for five to 10 seconds then release upon your exhale.

2.)Start with the feet and toes, then move up to the knees & thighs, glutes, abs, chest, arms, hands, neck, jaw, and eyes—all while maintaining deep, slow breaths.

3.)Breathe in through the nose, hold for a count of five while the muscles tense, then breathe out through the mouth on release.


*Note: Dizziness is never the goal. If holding the breath ever feels uncomfortable, slow it down to just

Inflammation Overload

Inflammation Overload

By Joanie in Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips on 26 September 2019

Inflammation is one of the most common causes of chronic and degenerative illnesses. It usually occurs when parts of the body are injured or physically stressed or when there is a virus present. However, it also can occur from environmental, diet, genetics and stress. Inflammation is the body’s way of protecting itself by signalling to the immune system to heal infection and repair damaged tissue. Inflammation happens to everyone whether you’re aware of it or not. However, when the inflammation becomes chronic it can lead to many serious diseases such as stroke, heart disease, lupus, certain types of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disorders. It is also one of the main drivers of the aging process meaning anything that increases inflammation can also increase ageing.

There are different types of inflammation such as ACUTE; when the body is trying to protect itself from a sudden incident such as an injury or virus and CHRONIC; when inflammation has carried on for along period of time usually because initial cause of the inflammation was not eliminated or thesuppressor T cells don’t call off the immune system after the body has repulsed the invasion.


Here are five cardinal signs that characterize inflammation:

  • Redness
  • Heat
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Loss of Function


Healthy lifestyle tips to keep inflammation at bay:

  • Adopt the Mediterranean Diet into you lifestyle, which consists of a moderate consumption of protein mainly fish and a high consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also using healthy oils such as olive oil and consuming healthy grains.


  • Increasing your intake of certain substances, such as omega 3 fish oil and curcumin (found in Turmeric) which both has been shown to reduce inflammation.


  • Minimize the amount of foods high in saturated and trans such as red meat, dairy products and processed foods containing partially hydrogenated oils. It is also important to limit sugary foods and refined carbohydrates that aid the formation of free radicals. Try swapping unrefined carbs for whole grains for a much healthier alternative.


  • Make time to exercise as it is an excellent way to prevent inflammation.


  • Manage your stress levels. Chronic stress contributes to inflammation so its important to take steps to keep your stress at a healthy level. Meditation, Yoga, and Deep Breathing Techniques can be effective ways of managing stress.


  • Sleep:Getting enough sleep is extremely important. Researchers have found that a poor night’s sleep increases inflammation


By reducing inflammation, it can lead to optimal health and wellbeing. This lowers your risk of disease and can greatly improve the quality of your life.