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National Multiple Sclerosis Day

National Multiple Sclerosis Day

By Joanie in Lifestyle Tips on 1 June 2020

World MS Day is observed globally on the 30th of May every year. The aim of this day is to raise awareness of multiple sclerosis and bring together those who are living with the condition to share their stories. 
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that can affect the brain and spinal cord, causing a wide range of potential symptoms, including problems with vision, arm or leg movement, sensation or balance.

Every day, people living with MS do whatever it takes to move their lives forward despite the challenges. By sharing their stories, we help people better understand life with MS and become inspired to do whatever it takes to change the world for people living with MS.

The theme for 2020-2022 World MS Day campaign is connections. The MS Connections campaign is all about building community connection, self-connection and connections to quality care. The campaign tagline is ‘I Connect, We Connect’ and the campaign hashtag is #MSConnections.

You can show your support by: 
Joining an event · Walk MS · Bike MS · Challenge Walk MS · Muckfest MS · DIY Fundraising .

Taking action · Become an MS activist · Connect online · Stay informed ·

For more information and learn more about how you can help, please visit:

1 comment Read The Discussion

Lupita Brasil
Lupita Brasil reply

I am very glad I came across this post and stopped to read it from beginning to end, as it left on a very positive note. I was in the beginning of my own journey with MS and the depression it’s was giving me was unbearable , I found some encouragement from several blogs and last year in seeing Rochelle make her personal goals after overcoming the disease with natural medicine I have to tried it also .I’ve kind of resigned to the fact that this is how life will be for me back until I found herbs that stop this multiple sclerosis easily and relief all the Fatigue and other symptoms I was experiencing ,I’m passing this info to anyone at there because ww w .multivitamincare .org has the right cure and caregiver to this disease ….I took various supplements, medicine prescribed by neurologist,massage and physiotherapy still the disease is was progressing very fast until the the MS formula from that caregiver .

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