The Top 6 Foods You Should Eat As You Age.
By Joanie in Lifestyle Tips on 28 August 2020
Our bodies change with age and not just in how they look, but also in how they work. We have to feed our body good nutrition for it to run like it’s supposed to run. The older we get, the body becomes less efficient in absorbing and using certain nutrients. Therefore, we often need a higher intake of certain nutrients to combat the aging process and to stay as healthy as possible. Studies have shown that following a healthy lifestyle staying physically active and having a nutrition-packed diet can help slow the aging process, and may even reduce the risk of age related diseases.
Here are some great anti-aging foods help ensure optimum health:
Blueberries– Packed with various antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E that keep your cells healthy. Compounds in blueberries mitigate inflammation and oxidative damage, which are associated with age-related deficits in memory and motor function.
Fibre Rich Foods –Such as vegetables, whole grains, fruits & legumes. As we age our gastrointestinal functioning slows down so it’s important to ensure a good fibre intake. Fibre helps keep your system moving along and can also prevent other indigestion related problems.
Nuts. Full of omega-3s, unsaturated fats (the good kind), fiber, and protein. Nuts are heart-healthy nutrition in the palm of your hand.
Yogurt & Dairy– Bone loss gets worse as you get older and calcium helps keep it at bay. Yogurt isrich in calcium, which helps stave off osteoporosis &contains “good bacteria” that help maintain gut health.There are also non-dairy sources of calcium such as tofu, broccoli, almonds, and kale.
Broccoli& Leafy Greens – These areanti-inflammatory and anti-aging powerhouses as they are packed with vitamins and antioxidants.
Fatty fish. Heart-healthy all-stars like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that eating two portions of oily fish per week in old age could extend life by more than two years and reduce the risk of a heart attack by 35%.
Importation Vitamins & Minerals to consider in Older Age:
Vitamin B– After the age of 50 your stomach produces less gastric acid making it harder to absorb vitamin B-12 which is needed for healthy nervous system and key metabolic processes.The recommended daily intake is 2.4 mcg from either fortified foods or a supplement.
Water– As we age, we are more prone to dehydration. This is because your sense of thirst starts to decline. So it is vital that you drink enough water. The daily recommended amount is at least eight- 8 ounce cups of water per day.
Vitamin D– The risk of a Vitamin D deficiency increases with age. This is because as people age they lose some of their ability to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight. A Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to many age related dieseases. It’s recommended that over-65s take a supplement of vitamin D of 10 micrograms per day.
*Always speak to your GP before taking supplements.